[Tutor] Question about time.gmtime

Eduardo Vieira eduardo.susan at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 17:11:11 CEST 2009

Hello, I had a problem with a script yesterday that made me puzzled.
My time zone is US Mountain Time. This script was running nice last
week, but yesterday it reported the date of today instead
So, yesterday at 5:20pm this line:
hoje = time.strftime("%a, %b %d, %Y", time.gmtime())

Gave me this: "Tue, Sep 29, 2009" instead of "Mon, Sep 28, 2009"
What's going on?
Minutes ago, while I was investigating this I had this output:

>>> time.gmtime()
time.struct_time(tm_year=2009, tm_mon=9, tm_mday=29, tm_hour=14,
tm_min=48, tm_sec=49, tm_wday=1, tm_yday=272, tm_isdst=0)
>>> time.localtime()
time.struct_time(tm_year=2009, tm_mon=9, tm_mday=29, tm_hour=8,
tm_min=50, tm_sec=28, tm_wday=1, tm_yday=272, tm_isdst=1)

I see there are 6 hours difference, but I'm sure the script ran before 6pm
Should I simply modify my code to use localtime, instead? Why did it
happen only yesterday?

I'm using Windows XP Professional, and my clock says it's Tuesday,
Sept. 29, 2009 and 9:10 AM



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