[Tutor] Class Inheritance, Beat it into the Ground
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Apr 24 10:56:51 CEST 2010
"David Hutto" <smokefloat at gmail.com> wrote
> In previous post I asked about turtle module importing from tkinter.
> But what I don't understand is why does Tkinter default it's casnvas
> to ScrolledCanvas in turtle.py,
Tkinter doesn't. The author of the turtle module - which is not part of
Tkinter but simply uses it - chose to use a Scrolled Canvas. Presumably
because he wanted a canvas that scrollled!
> and then as a 'metaclass' for ScrolledCanvas in turtle it calls TK.Frame,
Its not a meta-class its a super class - the two concepts are completely
different and you don't want to be thinking about meta classes for a
long time yet!
> which could have been set as a default within Tkinter itself?
No it couldn't because turtle.py didn't exist when Tkinter was created.
And even if it did you couldn't guarantee that everyone would want it that
way. Tkinter is a generic UI framework that can be used in many
applications. It should not be defined to suit any single application.
You appear to be struggling with the concept of module use and
dependencies. You should be trying to create a tree structure of
dependencies with no circular loops. turtle depends on Tkinter but
Tkinter does not depend on turtle. And your code can depend on
Tkinter, turtle or both. But neither module should know anything
about your code.
Inheritance is a mechanism for taking an existing class and
specialising it for your specific application. So turtle specialised
Frame to produce a ScrolledCanvas which it uses to display the
Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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