[Tutor] blackjack game

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Apr 30 01:49:15 CEST 2010

"Shurui Liu (Aaron Liu)" <shurui91 at gmail.com> wrote

Your sig says you are studying Comp Sci and engineering.

You have posted the code for what is really a very, very, small program.
In the real world you will be expected to read and understand much
bigger programs than this - think about 1000+ files and half a million
lines of code.... (That was my first post uni' project - in C)

You apparently want us to read this code and interpret it for you?

Please try reading it and figuring out how it works first, then if you
have sections you want help with, come back and ask specific
questions. Don't expect us to do something you are not willing
to at least make a start on...

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

># Blackjack
> # From 1 to 7 players compete against a dealer
> import cards, games
> class BJ_Card(cards.Card):
>    """ A Blackjack Card. """
>    ACE_VALUE = 1
>    def get_value(self):
>        if self.is_face_up:
>            value = BJ_Card.RANKS.index(self.rank) + 1
>            if value > 10:
>                value = 10
>        else:
>            value = None
>        return value
>    value = property(get_value)
> class BJ_Deck(cards.Deck):
>    """ A Blackjack Deck. """
>    def populate(self):
>        for suit in BJ_Card.SUITS:
>            for rank in BJ_Card.RANKS:
>                self.cards.append(BJ_Card(rank, suit))
> class BJ_Hand(cards.Hand):
>    """ A Blackjack Hand. """
>    def __init__(self, name):
>        super(BJ_Hand, self).__init__()
>        self.name = name
>    def __str__(self):
>        rep = self.name + ":\t" + super(BJ_Hand, self).__str__()
>        if self.total:
>            rep += "(" + str(self.total) + ")"
>        return rep
>    def get_total(self):
>        # if a card in the hand has value of None, then total is None
>        for card in self.cards:
>            if not card.value:
>                return None
>        # add up card values, treat each Ace as 1
>        total = 0
>        for card in self.cards:
>              total += card.value
>        # determine if hand contains an Ace
>        contains_ace = False
>        for card in self.cards:
>            if card.value == BJ_Card.ACE_VALUE:
>                contains_ace = True
>        # if hand contains Ace and total is low enough, treat Ace as 11
>        if contains_ace and total <= 11:
>            # add only 10 since we've already added 1 for the Ace
>            total += 10
>        return total
>    total = property(get_total)
>    def is_busted(self):
>        return self.total > 21
> class BJ_Player(BJ_Hand):
>    """ A Blackjack Player. """
>    def is_hitting(self):
>        response = games.ask_yes_no("\n" + self.name + ", do you want
> a hit? (Y/N): ")
>        return response == "y"
>    def bust(self):
>        print self.name, "busts."
>        self.lose()
>    def lose(self):
>        print self.name, "loses."
>    def win(self):
>        print self.name, "wins."
>    def push(self):
>        print self.name, "pushes."
> class BJ_Dealer(BJ_Hand):
>    """ A Blackjack Dealer. """
>    def is_hitting(self):
>        return self.total < 17
>    def bust(self):
>        print self.name, "busts."
>    def flip_first_card(self):
>        first_card = self.cards[0]
>        first_card.flip()
> class BJ_Game(object):
>    """ A Blackjack Game. """
>    def __init__(self, names):
>        self.players = []
>        for name in names:
>            player = BJ_Player(name)
>            self.players.append(player)
>        self.dealer = BJ_Dealer("Dealer")
>        self.deck = BJ_Deck()
>        self.deck.populate()
>        self.deck.shuffle()
>    def get_still_playing(self):
>        remaining = []
>        for player in self.players:
>            if not player.is_busted():
>                remaining.append(player)
>        return remaining
>    # list of players still playing (not busted) this round
>    still_playing = property(get_still_playing)
>    def __additional_cards(self, player):
>        while not player.is_busted() and player.is_hitting():
>            self.deck.deal([player])
>            print player
>            if player.is_busted():
>                player.bust()
>    def play(self):
>        # deal initial 2 cards to everyone
>        self.deck.deal(self.players + [self.dealer], per_hand = 2)
>        self.dealer.flip_first_card()    # hide dealer's first card
>        for player in self.players:
>            print player
>        print self.dealer
>        # deal additional cards to players
>        for player in self.players:
>            self.__additional_cards(player)
>        self.dealer.flip_first_card()    # reveal dealer's first
>        if not self.still_playing:
>            # since all players have busted, just show the dealer's hand
>            print self.dealer
>        else:
>            # deal additional cards to dealer
>            print self.dealer
>            self.__additional_cards(self.dealer)
>            if self.dealer.is_busted():
>                # everyone still playing wins
>                for player in self.still_playing:
>                    player.win()
>            else:
>                # compare each player still playing to dealer
>                for player in self.still_playing:
>                    if player.total > self.dealer.total:
>                        player.win()
>                    elif player.total < self.dealer.total:
>                        player.lose()
>                    else:
>                        player.push()
>        # remove everyone's cards
>        for player in self.players:
>            player.clear()
>        self.dealer.clear()
> def main():
>    print "\t\tWelcome to Blackjack!\n"
>    names = []
>    number = games.ask_number("How many players? (1 - 7): ", low = 1, high = 8)
>    for i in range(number):
>        name = raw_input("Enter player name: ")
>        names.append(name)
>    print
>    game = BJ_Game(names)
>    again = None
>    while again != "n":
>        game.play()
>        again = games.ask_yes_no("\nDo you want to play again?: ")
> main()
> raw_input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit.")
> Here is the code of this game. I want to change some part of them.
> 1. Since I don't know what part of code is "responsible" for the
> number of cards, so I don't know how to add a "card number check"
> attribute, I mean, to check the number of card is more enough for next
> time play no matter how many players there are, if cards are not more
> enough, print out a notice and stop the program;
> 2. I am not sure if I can let the winner get all of the cards and
> print out what cards the winner has when the game finished.
> Thank you!
> -- 
> Shurui Liu (Aaron Liu)
> Computer Science & Engineering Technology
> University of Toledo
> 419-508-1228
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