[Tutor] Menu not working properly

Evert Rol evert.rol at gmail.com
Mon Aug 2 14:00:09 CEST 2010

> Hello Evert Rol,
>           Thank you for the menu help, I have completed it with great success... There is 1 more problem I am currently having, and when I fix it my program will be completed. If you are interested in helping me with this last stretch, I will be greatly appreciative.
>           If you respond with a yes. I will go ahead and send my code over and list the problem I am currently having.

Jason, it makes more sense to send this to the full tutor list, not just to me: there are more people who can and will help you. Unless I've missed a response to a previous post of yours where people disrecommended your postings, but that shouldn't happen to quickly.
Although in general, it's better to try and solve the problem yourself, and ask the tutor list if you're really stuck, either with an error or a concept. And the 'try and solve yourself' step can take one or more days and a lot of Googling, but in the end you learn a lot from it.
So, depending on your current problem, see if you want to try yourself first, or that you feel you need the input from the list.
(Code can be included with the mail if short; use something like http://python.pastebin.com/ if lengthly code.)

Good luck,


>          -Thank You
> On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 3:35 AM, Evert Rol <evert.rol at gmail.com> wrote:
> > My problem is choice 3. Exit, if you select no or put an invalid answer... It will run menu1... but then it runs
> >     name = raw_input ("Enter your character name. ")
> >     print "Your character name is:", name
> >
> > How can i make it so it prints menu1 like normal... then asks you to enter your selection again?
> > instead of running the above code.
> Put it in a loop with the necessary break statements. Something like:
> while True:
>  print menu1
>  answer = raw_input()
>  if ...:
>    ...
>    break
>  elif ...:
>    ...
>  elif ...:
>   answer = raw_input()
>   if ...:
>     sys.exit()
> raw_input('character name')
> Only the first option will break out of the loop to the 'character name' question; the other two options will continue to loop, apart from the point where you exit() the whole program.
> If you need user input until the correct input has been given, that means you'll have to wrap things in a loop (generally a while loop that you break out of when you received correct input).
> You could factor out the actual code inside the while loop into a function, which can make the structure clearer.
> Btw,
> <snip />
> >     characterChoice = input ("Enter your choice. ")
> You have input() here, while further down raw_input(). The latter is preferred in Python 2.x. I assume this is just a minor mistake.
>  Evert
> >     print
> >
> >     if characterChoice == 1:
> >         print """
> >
> > *Place Holder*
> >
> >         """
> >
> >     elif characterChoice == 2:
> >         print "Currently under construction.\nPlease choose again."
> >         print menu1
> >     elif characterChoice == 3:
> >         endProgram = raw_input ("Do you want to end program? yes or no ")
> >         if endProgram == "yes":
> >             sys.exit(0)
> >         elif endProgram == "no":
> >             print menu1
> >         else:
> >             print "\nInvalid Command:\nSelect from the menu again.\n"
> >             print menu1
> >
> >     print
> >     name = raw_input ("Enter your character name. ")
> >     print "Your character name is:", name
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