[Tutor] Conflict with encoding in console view and file dump
Peter Otten
__peter__ at web.de
Tue Aug 3 18:29:33 CEST 2010
Alex Baraibar wrote:
> Hi, Peter.
> Sorry for the delay, I've been out for a while.
> So I did what you suggested and it prints the following:
> "
> import sys
> print >> sys.stderr, sys.stdout.encoding
> what does the above print
> (a) when you print to the console? it prints cp850
> (b) when you redirect to a file? it prints None
That's as expected.
You should normally get an exception like
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tmp_enc.py", line 33, in <module>
print element
UnicodeEncodeError: 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\xf3' in position
11: ordinal not in range(128)
when you redirect your script's output to a file.
Did you change the default encoding? If you didn't you probably have an ill-
behaved application on your system that did it without asking.
> Any suggestions?
Check stdout.encoding, and if it is None (unknown encoding) wrap the stdout
stream into a Writer. Your script with that modification:
# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-
def festivos():
fest = [ 'Any Nou:\t\t\t1 de enero',
'Reis:\t\t\t\t6 de enero',
'Festa del Treball:\t\t1 de mayo',
'Sant Joan:\t\t\t24 de junio',
u'La Assumpció:\t\t\t15 de agosto',
'La Diada:\t\t\t11 de septiembre',
u'La Mercè:\t\t\t24 de septiembre',
'La Hispanitat:\t\t\t12 de octubre',
'Tots Sants:\t\t\t1 de novembre',
u'La Constitució:\t\t\t6 de desembre',
u'La Concepció:\t\t\t8 de desembre',
'Nadal:\t\t\t\t25 de desembre',
'Sant Esteve:\t\t\t26 de desembre' ]
return fest
def separador( num, char ):
return char * num
# --- Main ---
import sys
if sys.stdout.encoding is None:
import codecs
Writer = codecs.getwriter("latin-1")
sys.stdout = Writer(sys.stdout)
dias = festivos()
print "Los festivos fijos anuales son:\n"
for element in dias:
sep = separador( 50, '-' ) # move that out of the loop
print element
print sep
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