[Tutor] Distributing Python Code for Commercial Porpoises?
Wayne Watson
sierra_mtnview at sbcglobal.net
Sat Aug 7 17:16:17 CEST 2010
Yes, that might work, but it gets into other issues that I would rather
avoid. I hope I mentioned in my original msg that this is a Windows
I don't know much about dsutils, but it might work for these situations.
Just enough to mention it seems like it package an environment.
An easy way out might be to ask him to uninstall Python and any modules
like numpy. I'm not even sure how to do that. I don't think there's an
uninstaller for all the Python stuff, so it's probably a matter of
simply uninstalling Py 2.5 via MS control panel, and then directly
deleting the modules like numpy and scipy. After that, he should be able
to follow the instructions written by the sponsor.
On 8/6/2010 2:18 PM, Emile van Sebille wrote:
> On 8/6/2010 10:51 AM Wayne Watson said...
>> Yes, porpoises was a (old) pun.
>> Back in Feb. I raised a question related to Subject. I just wanted to
>> know if Python code could be compiled in some sense. Robert Berman
>> pitched in with some help. Although I was making progress, I put it off
>> for a future date. I really don't want to get into py2exe here, but am
>> wondering if there are Python vendors who in some way sell their product
>> in compiled form?
> I think you're making it harder. Go to your partners site, build an
> appropriate base environment, document and leave instructions on where
> to put new *.py modules you send him, run through it, and you're done.
> A little education will likely go a lot further than delving deeper
> into heavier technologies in an attempt to 'simplfy'.
> HTH,
> Emile
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Wayne Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)
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