[Tutor] Distributing Python Code for Commercial Porpoises?

Wayne Watson sierra_mtnview at sbcglobal.net
Sun Aug 8 03:43:45 CEST 2010

I think I'll print this and paste into the inside cover of my Python 
book. :-)

I find it interesting that any Python book I've seen doesn't deal with 
distributing programs in some form or another.

On 8/7/2010 3:33 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:
> "Emile van Sebille" <emile at fenx.com> wrote
>> As others have mentioned, don't use idle as you're doing. Give 
>> pythonwin (included with the activestate distribution) a try. Or try 
>> one of the free versions of Komodo or Wing.
> In fact I'd strongly recommend not to use ANY development tool to
> run your programs. These tools are designed to make life easy while
> writing code, they are not intended to be used to execute final code.
> They trap errors, they redirect output, they ignore signals and all
> manner of things intended to prevent you from having to restart
> your development tool while developing. But those traps are
> hiding errors that will crop up in the real world.
> Always test deployable code in a real, native execution environment
> - outside the development tool and outside the development folder
> structure too. Include the installation process (whether automated
> or manual) in your test.

            Wayne Watson (Watson Adventures, Prop., Nevada City, CA)

              (121.015 Deg. W, 39.262 Deg. N) GMT-8 hr std. time)
               Obz Site:  39° 15' 7" N, 121° 2' 32" W, 2700 feet

             "An experiment is a question which science poses to
              Nature, and a measurement is the recording of
              Nature’s answer." -- Max Planck

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