[Tutor] exercise problem

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Aug 28 00:56:24 CEST 2010

"Dave Angel" <davea at ieee.org> wrote

>>     while teller < len(u):
>>         getal1 = u[teller] + v[teller]
>>         uitkomst = uitkomst + str(getal1)
>> But then I get a list of string instead of integers.
> You're close.  Now that you've initialized the result variable to 
> [], you can use + just as you're doing.  Just take out the str() 
> function in that line.  You've still got duplicate names there 
> between that function and the outer level code.

You will need to make the new result a list too for + to work, like 

         uitkomst = uitkomst + [getal1]

Or you can just append() the answer to uitkomst


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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