[Tutor] Question on tkinter event binding
Albert-Jan Roskam
fomcl at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 3 11:19:02 CET 2010
I'm trying to make a small improvement on a data entry program and it is
literally giving me a headache. I would appreciate your help or suggestions.
The actual program uses Autocomplete entry widgets [1], which is a subclass of
the Tkinter Entry widget. The sample code below uses a simple Entry widget, for
the sake of simplicity. The autocompletions are recorded in a dictionary of the
form {entry name: set(<entries>)}. The problem is that entries with typos cannot
be deleted, so wrong autocomplete suggestions ("Bbbilly Gates") are given until
the end of time. My solution: I want to bind each entry widget to the Delete
key, which makes it possible to remove the typo-entry from the set of entries. I
am using an ' expanded event handler' [2] to do the event binding.
The sample code below creates two entry widgets. The problem is that the entry
contents is not retrieved correctly. If I fill the 2nd entry with some text,
then hit 'Del' , it shows the content of the *first* entry. Also, I would like
to isolate the event handler into its own function, not as a function within a
function, but I'm not quite sure how.
[1] http://tkinter.unpythonic.net/wiki/AutocompleteEntry
[2] http://www.daniweb.com/code/snippet306072.html
from Tkinter import *
def createWidgets(veldnamen):
termenlijst = {"Naam": set(["Bill Gates", "Elvis Presley"]), "*Postcode":
set(["2600AA", "8000NN"])}
handleDels = {}
for veldnaam in veldnamen:
# tcl names must start with lowercase letter
entryWidget=Entry(root, name=veldnaam[0].lower() + veldnaam[1:])
def handleDel(event, widget=entryWidget, root=root,
vensternaam = str(root.focus_get())[1:].capitalize() # ... and back
to uppercase
if vensternaam.startswith("*"): # mandatory fields start with '*'
in my program.
vensternaam = "*" + vensternaam[1:].capitalize()
vensterinhoud = entryWidget.get()
print "Naam", vensternaam # entry name
print "Inhoud", vensterinhoud # entry contents
termenlijst[vensternaam].remove(vensterinhoud) # here's where
the typo is removed
except KeyError:
pass # user tries to delete a term that doesn't exist in the
handleDels[entryWidget] = handleDel
# do all the bindings (is this where it goes wrong??)
for entryWidget, handleDel in handleDels.iteritems():
entryWidget.bind("<Delete>", handleDel)
print handleDels
print termenlijst
createWidgets(["Naam", "*Postcode"])
Thanks again for having a look at this.
All right, but apart from the sanitation, the medicine, education, wine, public
order, irrigation, roads, a fresh water system, and public health, what have the
Romans ever done for us?
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