[Tutor] calling a method within a function

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Wed Dec 8 02:18:54 CET 2010

"John" <washakie at gmail.com> wrote

> I have a strange problem with a piece of code I've written. It's a 
> bit
> overly complicated to make an example with, but the gist is below. 
> But
> in the example below, it works. However, in my example, when I call
> the method from within the function, it returns something other than
> what I expect.

Care to give us a clue?

What did you expect?
What did you get?
What does the real code look like?

Its a bit hard to diagnose your problem based on a bit of code that
works and a loose description of your dissapointment with another
bit of code that may or may not work - depending on what you

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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