[Tutor] role playing game - help needed

ALAN GAULD alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Thu Dec 9 10:09:51 CET 2010

Can you explain this in a little more detail?

>for name in attributes.keys():
>  attributes[name] = int( input("How many points do you want to assign to %s " % 
>name) )
>Where did you get 'name' from?  

I made it up. The for loop takes the form

for <variable name3> in <some collection>:
      <some action>

where the bits in <> are provided by the programmer.
name was just a "meaningful" variable name that I chose.

> What does the % do and how does it work inside the 
> quotation marks as opposed to outside?  

This is called string formatting. Actually in Python 3 there is a new way of 
doing this but the older style, like this, still works.

Basically within the string we insert percent signs followed by 
a special letter to indicate the type of data we want to insert into 
the string. %s means a string, %d a decimal number, %f a floating 
point number etc.

The % immediately after the string is a separator preceding the 
values to be inserted into the string

Try it at the >>> prompt:

>>> "%d is a number" % 6
6 is a number
>>> "%d is the result of %d + %d" % (6+7,6,7)
13 is the result of 6 + 7
>>> "My name is %s" % "Alan"
My name is Alan

Someone else might show you the v3 way using the 
new string.format() operator


Alan G.
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