[Tutor] Writing to the terminal?

Corey Richardson kb1pkl at aim.com
Fri Dec 10 21:38:49 CET 2010

On 12/10/2010 3:34 PM, Wayne Werner wrote:
> If you just want a single line you can use chr(13) which is a carriage
> return. If you want a more complex program you'll need a curses type
> library
> hth, wayne
> On 12/10/10, Modulok<modulok at gmail.com>  wrote:
>> List,
>> Forgive me if I don't describe this well, I'm new to it:
>> Assume I'm working in a command shell on a terminal. Something like
>> tcsh on xterm, for example. I have a program which does *something*.
>> Let's say it counts down from 10. How do I print a value, and then
>> erase that value, replacing it with another value? Say I had something
>> like '10' that appears, then wait a second, then the 10 is replaced by
>> '9'... '8'.. and so forth. The point is, I don't want to print to a
>> new line, nor do I want the new number to appear next to the previous
>> number... I just want to change it in place. (If that makes any
>> sense?) Think of console based progress counters in programs like
>> fetch or wget, or lame.
>> How do you do this in Python?
>> -Modulok-
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Try that in the interactive interpreter, it doesn't work.
 >>> print "a" + chr(13)
(Python 2.6.6)

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