[Tutor] Test Automation framework recommendation....

cajsdy cajsdy at gmail.com
Wed Dec 15 12:54:24 CET 2010

Thanks all here. I'm asked UML and UI tools for python in the other thread.
I'm looking for any suggestions to build test automation system, from
the test plan management, test execution, python scripting management.

Testplan: Testlink is a good example and I used it for the small
project, but it lacks of prompt support. Editing function is not that
good for word, ppt or xls. Silk havn't tried yet.

Test manager: managing the testing execution across the platform,
check out test plan and TCs from Testplan manager, control the test
process for distributed UUT, collect stats, upload results.

Script managenet: suvversion control,


Sent from my mobile device

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