[Tutor] vim as a python editor; FOLLOW-UP QUESTION

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Fri Dec 17 01:27:11 CET 2010

"Joel Schwartz" <joel at joelschwartz.com> wrote
> you experts whether it makes sense (or is even possible) to use vim 
> in
> Windows (I use Windows XP-SP3).

Yes, vim is great on Windows.
When i used unix primarily I was an emacs fan, but emacs just
doesn't feel right on windows to me so I moved to vim which
works hust as well in both OS.

> One more question: IDLE does not appear to have a way to
> review your command history, e.g., by hitting the up arrow.

IDLE borrows from emacs and uses ALT-P and ALT-N.
(FWIW Pythonwin uses Ctrl-UP/Ctrl-Down for the same purpose)

> set up IDLE to do this? Alternatively, is there another basic Python 
> that has the up-arrow command history feature and is also good for 
> Python
> coding in general?

Pythonwin is better than IDLE for Windows users. It has integration
with COM for object browsing and also with the Windows help system.
And the debugger is much better than the IDLE one too.

And it users the same editor control as Scite.
Speaking of Scite, it is a pretty useful editor in its own right and 
tabbed editing which Pythonwin doesn't have, but OTOH it loses all
the Python specific tools. my ideal Windows text editor would be a
combination of Scite and vim...

Finally, if you have a PC big enough to run it well, Eclipse and
Pydev are a good combination. Especially if you also work in Java
or C++ etc

And there are a bunch of others that folks like. IDEs and text editors
are very personal choices. Wingz, SPE, PyCrust/PyAlaMode, and more.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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