[Tutor] Problem with print

Sander Sweers sander.sweers at gmail.com
Sun Dec 19 22:11:30 CET 2010

On 19 December 2010 21:54, jtl999 <jacksmoo111 at gmail.com> wrote:
>  File "GettingStarted.py", line 91
>    print ("Lesson Two")
>        ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> Python 2.6.5

You are using a howto for python version 3.X but you are using python
2.X. In python 3 the print statement was changed to a function.

Python 2.X
print "Lesson Two"

Python 3.X
print("Lesson Two")

Either find a version of the howto for 2 or install python 3.


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