[Tutor] Trying to parse a HUGE(1gb) xml file in python

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Dec 21 15:04:39 CET 2010

"Steven D'Aprano" <steve at pearwood.info> wrote

>> It's natural competitors are TLV (Tag,Lenth,Value) and
>> CSV(Comma Seperated Value) files but neither is as rich
> I would have thought that both JSON and YAML are competitors to XML,

Totally agree but I excluded those on the basis that they weren't
around when XML was invented but CSV and TLV etc were.
(I guess my reasoning is that while XML was a competitor to
JSON/YAML when they were developed - because it preceded
them - they were not competitors to XML because they post
dated it. But it depe4nds on how you define the competition
- is it as a candidate for use now or alternatives at the time
of creation...)

But if you were looking for a choice of format today then YAML
and JSON would have to be included.

Alan g

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