[Tutor] Trying to parse a HUGE(1gb) xml file in python

Luke Paireepinart rabidpoobear at gmail.com
Tue Dec 21 19:23:01 CET 2010

You're not going to win any friends here Dave. Steven is well known on this list. He is sometimes abrasive but it's rarely if ever malicious. Anytime he's ever been rude to me it was deserved. Like how I top post from my phone. Or giving bad advice to newbies.

People are getting irritated because YOU are not making the effort to be understood, and then getting angry when we don't understand you. Have you read Eric raymond's smart questions article? It may help you understand the mentality here.

And no we are not hostile to people because they lack education. But may be perceived as hostile to those who do not WANT education. Whatever bandying about and posturing you want to do is fine with me, but when it comes down to it, if you ask a question and I can tell you didn't make sufficient effort to solve it yourself (due to laziness, not ignorance or inability) I have little to no incentive to help you.

Also, I have a masters in C.S. My stepfather has been a programmer for 30 years and has no programming degree. I do not think my degree is a replacement for that, and learn new things from him every day. It goes both ways. Have respect for yourself and your ability to learn what you need to, and we'll have the respect to help pick you up if you stumble.

My 2 cents.

Sent from a mobile device with a bad e-mail client.

On Dec 21, 2010, at 8:49 AM, David Hutto <smokefloat at gmail.com> wrote:

> And a lesson of what you really are to anyone listening.
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