[Tutor] Dynamically generated classes

Karim karim.liateni at free.fr
Thu Dec 23 13:54:57 CET 2010

Thanks for the link.

I use Adapter already for java to align to different interface.
I was curious about the facade implementation.


On 12/23/2010 01:25 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:
> "Karim" <karim.liateni at free.fr> wrote
>> You mentioned the facade pattern. Could you please provide a basic 
>> simple implementation  of this pattern in python?
> Not without spending more time than I have available.
> But you can read about it on wikipedia, including Java example code.
> However I think I actually should have said an Adaptor pattern rather 
> than a Facade...
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adapter_pattern
> HTH,

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