[Tutor] blank space after a number

Enih Gilead egilead at gmail.com
Tue Dec 28 14:54:57 CET 2010

Hi, Abrahamsen!

Would you mind tell me a way to eliminate the blank space in front of 
"a" [int number] ?
Just as an example, the 'a' that is made = to '0', when printed, it 
comes with a blank space after...

a, b = 0, 1
while b < 10:
     print a, b,
     a, b = a, b + 1

... do you think is there any reasonable way to transform the '0' number 
into string and then back to numeral - after the printing action?

Thanks beforehand ve'Shalom be'Shem 'Adonay,
Enih Gil'ead

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