[Tutor] scraping and saving in file
knacktus at googlemail.com
Wed Dec 29 11:41:24 CET 2010
Am 29.12.2010 10:54, schrieb Tommy Kaas:
> Hi,
> I’m trying to learn basic web scraping and starting from scratch. I’m
> using Activepython 2.6.6
> I have uploaded a simple table on my web page and try to scrape it and
> will save the result in a text file. I will separate the columns in the
> file with #.
> It works fine but besides # I also get spaces between the columns in the
> text file. How do I avoid that?
> This is the script:
> import urllib2
> from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
> f = open('tabeltest.txt', 'w')
> soup =
> BeautifulSoup(urllib2.urlopen('http://www.kaasogmulvad.dk/unv/python/tabeltest.htm').read())
> rows = soup.findAll('tr')
> for tr in rows:
> cols = tr.findAll('td')
> print >> f,
> cols[0].string,'#',cols[1].string,'#',cols[2].string,'#',cols[3].string
You can strip the whitespaces from the strings. I assume the
"string"-attribute returns a string (I don't now the API of Beautiful
Soup) E.g.:
Also, you can use join() to create the complete string:
resulting_string = "#".join([col.string.strip() for col in cols])
The long version without list comprehension (just for illustration,
better use list comprehension):
resulting_string = "#".join([cols[0].string.strip(),
cols[1].string.strip(), cols[2].string.strip(), cols[3].string.strip(),
> f.close()
> And the text file looks like this:
> Kommunenr # Kommune # Region # Regionsnr
> 101 # København # Hovedstaden # 1084
> 147 # Frederiksberg # Hovedstaden # 1084
> 151 # Ballerup # Hovedstaden # 1084
> 153 # Brøndby # Hovedstaden # 1084
> 155 # Dragør # Hovedstaden # 1084
> Thanks in advance
> Tommy Kaas
> Kaas & Mulvad
> Lykkesholms Alle 2A, 3.
> 1902 Frederiksberg C
> Mobil: 27268818
> Mail: tommy.kaas at kaasogmulvad.dk <mailto:tommy.kaas at kaasogmulvad.dk>
> Web: www.kaasogmulvad.dk <http://www.kaasogmulvad.dk>
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