[Tutor] Shashwat Anand you helped with search
Alan Gauld
alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Feb 2 20:07:50 CET 2010
"jim serson" <fubarninja at hotmail.com> wrote
> I think I am using the right method in the wrong way.
I'm not sure what you expect this to do...
> If you could tell me if I am trying the correct method or give
> me a push in the right direction that would be grate thanks.
Maybe a push...
> look_in = raw_input ("Enter the search file to look in ")
> search = raw_input ("Enter your search item ")
OK, so far. You want to look for search in the file.
> c = open(look_in, "r").read().count(search.split()
Assuming there should be another closing paren...
this opens the file and reads it into memory.
It then counts the occurences of a list produced
by splitting the search string. This gives a Typeerror for me!
Is that what you wanted?
Or do you actually want to search for each item in your
search string? I think you are trying to cram too much
into one line - if for no other eason that it makes debugging
almost impossible.
Try this:
txt = open(look_in).read()
search2 = search.split()
print search2 # is this what you expect?
for item in search2:
c = txt.count(item)
print item, txt.count(c) # is this what you expect?
if c > 0: print search, ",", c,"Of your search was found"
else: print item, "was not found"
It might give you clues as to what you really want.
But using multiple lines is usually a good idea,
especially when trying to get it working. Its much easier to
see where things are breaking that way...
Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site
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