[Tutor] SYS Long File Names?

Tim Golden mail at timgolden.me.uk
Sun Feb 7 15:10:40 CET 2010

On 06/02/2010 21:36, FT wrote:
>      I was looking at the sys.argv(1) file name and it is the short 8 char
> name. How do you place it into the long file name format? I was reading
> music files and comparing the name to the directory listing and always comes
> back as not found because the name was shortened.

I'm assuming you're on Windows (because I don't
think *nix has a long/short-name concept). I've
never seen sys.argv return an 8.3 name, but taking
your word for it:

import win32api

print win32api.GetLongPathName ("eight.thr")


If you don't have the pywin32 packages installed
(and you don't want to) then you can do the same
using ctypes by accessing the kernel32 DLL:



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