[Tutor] string to list

Christian Witts cwitts at compuscan.co.za
Wed Feb 10 13:19:00 CET 2010

Owain Clarke wrote:
> Please excuse the obviousness of my question (if it is), but I have 
> searched the documentation for how to generate a list e.g. [(1,2), 
> (3,4)] from a string "[(1,2), (3,4)]". I wonder if someone could point 
> me in the right direction.
> Many thanks
> Owain Clarke
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new_list = eval("[(1,2), (3,4)]")
But only ever do that if you know your incoming data is clean and 
secure, and even then I would be really careful with its usage.

If I remember correctly there was a recipe for safe parsing on 
http://code.activestate.com/ but I don't seem to have the link at hand.

Kind Regards,
Christian Witts

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