[Tutor] Algorithm for combination analysis suggestion.
Matthew Matson
gtxy37 at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 11 23:34:31 CET 2010
Thanks Kent.
I know this is confusing, perhaps if we look at it this way.
Let's say A,B,C,D,E are widgets that I manufacture, now the easiest way for me to distribute them to the the unique IDs would be to gather all the widget quantities from the complete list of combinations. In this case I would need to 5 A's, 2 B's, 2 C's, 5 D's, and 1 E and assemble all of the unique IDs distributions in assembly. Putting the widgets together in assembly is expensive so I have the oppotunity in manufacturing to produce combined widgets (e.g. ('A', 'D')). The more combined widgets that I can produce in manufacturing equates to less gathering of individual widgets in assembly reducing time and cost.
Because of manufacturing setup I need a significant volume of a combined widget in order to produce cost effectively hence the minimum qty threshold for that combined widget. If I have a combined widget in the combination list with a large volume we are manufacturing anyway I can just add additional qty to this at minimal cost so what I want to do is analyze all my combinations and add as many combined widgets to them as possible. If I have a combination that requires only one item from a combined widget I can add this to the combination provided that by adding this combined widget to the combination I do not add any more than one not required additonal widget to the original combination.
I think this still sounds confusing - I will see if I can code up a sample of what I am trying to do.
Thanks again.
> Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 15:21:51 -0500
> Subject: Re: [Tutor] Algorithm for combination analysis suggestion.
> From: kent37 at tds.net
> To: gtxy37 at hotmail.com
> CC: tutor at python.org
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 1:59 PM, Matthew Matson <gtxy37 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Tutors,
> >
> > I am looking for the proper approach regarding the analysis of a dictionary
> > of combinations I have.
> >
> > What I need to do is read from a supplied text file that has a unique ID and
> > that unique ID's associated combination of elements. So let's say I have the
> > following lines in a text file (real file could be millions of lines):
> >
> > "ID" "Elements"
> > 1 'A, B, C, D'
> > 2 'A, D'
> > 3 'D, E'
> > 4 'A, D'
> > 5 'A, B'
> > 6 'A, C, D'
> >
> > and I do something like...
> >
> > combinationDict = {}
> > for line in file:
> > data = line.split('\t')
> > comb = tuple(data[1].split(','))
> > if comb not in combinationDict:
> > combinationDict[comb] = 1
> > else:
> > combination[comb] +=1
> Use
> combinationDict = collections.defaultdict(int)
> Then you can just write
> combination[comb] += 1
> without the test for comb in combinattionDict.
> > Now after I read all of the data I end up with a dictionary with the
> > combination as the key and the associated total qty as its value.
> >
> > print combinationDict
> > {('A','B','C','D'):1, ('A','D'):2, ('D','E'):1, ('A','B'):1, ('A', 'C',
> > 'D'):1}
> >
> > What I am looking for is a starting point for a solution in python to
> > analyze the combination list so that I can determine for example that ('A',
> > 'D') is the most popular combination and then determining how many other
> > combinations in the dictionary contain this combination.
> maxComb = max(combinationDict, key=combinationDict.__getitem__) will
> give you the single key with the largest count.
> maxCombSet = set(maxComb)
> [ comb for comb in combinationDict if maxCombSet <= set(comb) ]
> will give you a list of all the combinations that contain the max
> though it could be slow if you have lots of unique combinations
> (because of all the set conversions).
> > I would like to incorporate some parameters so for example the combination
> > ('A','B','C','D') and ('A', 'C', 'D') contain ('A','D') so they are valid
> > but I could also say that as long as one element is contained in a
> > combination it is valid as well provided I add no more than one additional
> > item to the combination.
> Now you are starting to lose me but you can modify the conditional in
> the above list comprehension to make whatever kind of test you want.
> > If I apply this logic then ('D','E') can ('A','B')
> > can contain ('A', 'D') and if I apply this to the combination dictionary I
> > have:
> >
> > {('B','C', ('A', 'D')):1, ('A','D'):2, ('E', ('A', 'D')):1, ('B', ('A',
> > 'D')):1, ('C', ('A', 'D')):1}
> >
> > which I could then query the keys for ('A', 'D') inclusion to get a total of
> > 4 for ('A', 'D').
> Now you have lost me completely. What are the keys in this new dict?
> How do you get a total of 4 fro ('A', 'D')?
> Kent
> > I hope this isn't too long and confusing but I am looking for an approach
> > where I can analyze for the highest quantity of combinations and then
> > iterate through the dictionary substituting those combinations that were
> > determined a "highest qty" combination into other low qty combinations when
> > valid.
> >
> > I was hoping to have parameters to qualify a high qty combination (e.g.
> > every combination with qty above 10,000) with the highest quantity of that
> > determined set taking precedence for substitution for the first pass then
> > moving on to the next highest combination for the second pass of
> > substitution etc.. The other parameter would be for the combination that
> > would receive a substitution whereby I might say that I can only substitute
> > if a substitution results in only one additional (superfluous) value being
> > added to the combination existing low qty combination.
> >
> > I have looked around and this sounds like it might be similar to a packing
> > problem and in particular the knapsack problem but I can't seem to wrap my
> > head around an approach for this in python. I am not looking for a solution
> > just some guidance on a starting point or perhaps libraries that may be
> > helpful.
> >
> > Thank you.
> >
> >
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