[Tutor] The Disappearing Program (py2exe)
Wayne Watson
sierra_mtnview at sbcglobal.net
Fri Feb 19 23:15:52 CET 2010
XP. Win 7, I hope, by the end of the day. Stuff is working under Win 7
from my transfer of it from a week or so ago. The only thing I left on
XP was the py2exe stuff. I'm writing this from my Win 7 machine.
There's a big twist in this. I've verified that when I typed the name
w/o py, it really executed it anyway. I did that with a py file that was
never setup by py2exe. I then went to dist and fired up the compiled exe
file and got a complaint matplotlib. It couldn't find its data files.
Certainly the step in section 4, test your executable, has been of no
use. Maybe I need to go to step 5? Perhaps I need the msvcr71.dll file.
Forget that.It's in dist. Time to read more of 5.
On 2/19/2010 9:46 AM, Robert Berman wrote:
> Wayne,
> I am assuming you are using Win 7 and I'll answer with that unless you tell me
> you are using XP in which case I will walk over to my wife's desk and test
> what I am telling you on her XP driven machine.
> Assuming Windows 7.
> Looking at your directory you should be using Windows Explorer. Click on
> Organize then click on folder and search options. Then click on view. Make
> sure the check box that says 'hide extensions for known file types' is not
> clicked. Once that is done, all your file extensions (all of them) will be
> seen and shown.
> Robert
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Wayne Watson [mailto:sierra_mtnview at sbcglobal.net]
>> Sent: Friday, February 19, 2010 12:11 PM
>> To: Robert Berman
>> Subject: Re: [Tutor] The Disappearing Program (py2exe)
>> I'm sure you are right. I'm not sure what you mean about view
>> params.
>> Properties?
>> On 2/19/2010 7:08 AM, Robert Berman wrote:
>>> I think you will find that snowball is actually snowball.exe. You
>> might check
>>> the view parameters on how your extensions are being displayed.
>>>> -----Original Message-----
>>>> From: tutor-bounces+bermanrl=cfl.rr.com at python.org [mailto:tutor-
>>>> bounces+bermanrl=cfl.rr.com at python.org] On Behalf Of Wayne Watson
>>>> Sent: Friday, February 19, 2010 10:00 AM
>>>> To: tutor at python.org
>>>> Subject: [Tutor] The Disappearing Program (py2exe)
>>>> I've successfully compiled several small python programs on Win
>> XP
>>>> into
>>>> executables using py2exe. A program goes from a name like
>>>> snowball.py to
>>>> snowball. A dir in the command prompt window finds snowball.py
>> but
>>>> not
>>>> snowball. If I type in snowball, it executes. What's up with
>> that?
>>>> --
>>>> "There is nothing so annoying as to have two people
>>>> talking when you're busy interrupting." -- Mark
>> Twain
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>> "There is nothing so annoying as to have two people
>> talking when you're busy interrupting." -- Mark Twain
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