[Tutor] "Two" Card Monty with File Operations--Reading from Wrong Folder (W7?) !!!

Wayne Watson sierra_mtnview at sbcglobal.net
Mon Feb 22 16:12:38 CET 2010

Well, it looks very much like my stab in the dark is very much correct  
( see end of msg below). I changed the name of the file in the folder 
from which I copied the file to place elsewhere.  When I tried to open 
the file, it started searching for the file.Properties clearly shows it 
pointing to the wrong file.

Good grief. What has Win7 brought?

On 2/21/2010 7:29 PM, Wayne Watson wrote:
> ...
> The question is why does Report see the folder in the wrong folder? 
> Although I think I've verified matters, I could be off. Is  there a  
> way to ensure  I'm really getting to the right folder?  There may be a 
> Win7 problem here. See below.
> Here's a diagram that might help. Cap names means folder.
>   a1.txt
>   a2.txt
>   report.py
>   track.py
>     b1.txt
>     b2.txt
>     b3.txt
> Now copy report.py to CARDS
>     a1.txt
>     a2.txt
>     report.py
>   track.py
>     b1.txt
>     b2.txt
>     b3.txt
>    report.py
> While working on this problem, I came up with a Win7 puzzler. It 
> amounts to this. If I search for files in EVENTS of CARDS for "b", it 
> only finds one of the b-files. I had a long 1 hour talk with HP tech 
> support. They had no answer, but will take it up with MS. It may be 
> related to the first problem. Probably not, but curious. I suspect 
> that Win7's new folder search has somehow used a filter. I had no idea 
> of any filter use until I accidentally found it in W7 Help. Perhaps 
> the filter was some how set. Not by me.
> Here's a stab in the dark. Maybe the copied report.py really is a 
> pointer to the other one?

             "There is nothing so annoying as to have two people
              talking when you're busy interrupting." -- Mark Twain

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