[Tutor] What Editori?

Lowell Tackett lowelltackett at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 23 19:04:46 CET 2010

The environment [OS} of choice can do a lot to expand/enhance the capabilities of an editor.  I fell upon Vim from the beginning, and stayed with it for its' rich palate of features and adaptability (and of course, the often...and exhilarating "oh, Vim can do that!").  But beyond that, the Linux platform I work within offers its own dimension.

Generally, I will split a [terminal] screen into two (or even 3) virtual screens with bash's 'screen' workhorse, and from there I have in front of me [perhaps] a; 1) script edit screen, 2) interactive screen, and 3) script-launching screen...all on the same physical monitor.

For me, that combination creates an awfully rich & deep working canvas.   The whole...is at least as great as the sum of its' parts.

>From the virtual desk of Lowell Tackett  

--- On Tue, 2/23/10, Giorgio <anothernetfellow at gmail.com> wrote:

From: Giorgio <anothernetfellow at gmail.com>
Subject: [Tutor] What Editori?
To: tutor at python.org
Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2010, 11:24 AM

Hi All,
what text-editor do you use for python?
I've always used kate/nano on Linux and Notepad++/PSPad on Win. Today i've installed portablepython to my pendrive, and found pyscripter in that. It's nice!

Do you think it's a good editor? Do you know other names?

Email: anothernetfellow at gmail.com

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