[Tutor] What Editori?

Giorgio anothernetfellow at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 22:08:56 CET 2010


I've downloaded some python examples from my debian server. Then, have
edited one of them with pyscript. The IDLE (the real idle alan :D) was
giving out a "unexpected indent" error, so i've checked again and again the
code -it was ok-.

Then, i've opened it in the IDLE. And there, ONLY there i see a double
indentation for the line that was giving the error.

I think it's because the script has been written on linux and i'm modifying
it from windows, any idea or solution?

2010/2/23 Alan Gauld <alan.gauld at btinternet.com>

> "Wayne Werner" <waynejwerner at gmail.com> wrote
>  I use vim - for me it's the hands-down best editor. I usually have two
>> terminals (I run linux) open - one for ipython, and one for vim. I usually
>> have vim split into several buffers for each of the files I'm editing, and
>> I
>> have some nice scripts and plugins that help me edit/modify python code.
>> But then again I've never worked on any huge (read: 1000+ lines,
>> unquantifiable "many" files).
> I have, same setup except I use a third terminal for actually running
> the program for testing.
> And of course I use ctags for navigating around from file to file from vim.
> If you haven't played with ctags and vim start reading man ctags now! :-)
> Alan G
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Email: anothernetfellow at gmail.com
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