[Tutor] Python-based address standardization script?

Luke Paireepinart rabidpoobear at gmail.com
Thu Feb 25 01:39:41 CET 2010

On Wed, Feb 24, 2010 at 6:15 PM, Serdar Tumgoren <zstumgoren at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hey folks,
>>> Anyone know if there's a Python script floating out there to standardize
>>> U.S. addresses? I couldn't find anything on ActiveState or by Googling...I'm
>>> interested in something similar to this Perl module:
>>> http://search.cpan.org/~sderle/Geo-StreetAddress-US-0.99/US.pm<http://search.cpan.org/%7Esderle/Geo-StreetAddress-US-0.99/US.pm>
>>> Just curious if anyone's seen an implementation in Python.
>>> I could really use this too, I haven't been able to find one.  Would you
>> be interested in porting the Perl one?  Maybe we could work on it if no one
>> knows of any Python versions?
> Hey Luke,
> I'm definitely interested in porting it over and would be happy to
> collaborate on that project. I know a lot of folks that would *love* to get
> their hands on this type of code. Should I start a project on github? (I'm
> open to other VCS's that offer free web hosting for open source...)
> Anyone who wants to join in, just shout it out.
> Sure, just send me a link when it's up.  I don't have any experience with
git but I've wanted to learn so go ahead and use that.
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