[Tutor] Top posters for 2009
Shashwat Anand
anand.shashwat at gmail.com
Fri Feb 26 04:40:26 CET 2010
How about Top-40 posters (so that I can make the cut..Yayyy) :P
2009 (7730 posts, 709 posters)
Alan Gauld 969 (12.5%)
Kent Johnson 804 (10.4%)
Dave Angel 254 (3.3%)
spir 254 (3.3%)
Wayne Watson 222 (2.9%)
bob gailer 191 (2.5%)
Lie Ryan 186 (2.4%)
David 127 (1.6%)
Emile van Sebille 115 (1.5%)
Wayne 112 (1.4%)
Sander Sweers 111 (1.4%)
Serdar Tumgoren 100 (1.3%)
Luke Paireepinart 99 (1.3%)
wesley chun 99 (1.3%)
W W 74 (1.0%)
Marc Tompkins 72 (0.9%)
A.T.Hofkamp 71 (0.9%)
Robert Berman 68 (0.9%)
vince spicer 63 (0.8%)
Emad Nawfal 62 (0.8%)
Andre Engels 61 (0.8%)
Rich Lovely 60 (0.8%)
Christian Witts 57 (0.7%)
Martin Walsh 51 (0.7%)
Eduardo Vieira 47 (0.6%)
Tim Golden 47 (0.6%)
prasad rao 47 (0.6%)
Dinesh B Vadhia 47 (0.6%)
John Fouhy 42 (0.5%)
Norman Khine 41 (0.5%)
Che M 41 (0.5%)
Stephen Nelson-Smith 40 (0.5%)
Mark Tolonen 40 (0.5%)
Chris Fuller 38 (0.5%)
Stefan Behnel 35 (0.5%)
Wayne Werner 34 (0.4%)
Steve Willoughby 32 (0.4%)
Shashwat Anand 32 (0.4%)
Eike Welk 31 (0.4%)
Albert-Jan Roskam 30 (0.4%)
On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Shashwat Anand <anand.shashwat at gmail.com>wrote:
> nice. Kudos to all top posters. May be I should search my rank ;)
> ~l0nwlf
> On Fri, Feb 26, 2010 at 8:23 AM, Kent Johnson <kent37 at tds.net> wrote:
>> It's not really about keeping score :-), but once again I've compiled
>> a list of the top 20 posters to the tutor list for the last year. For
>> 2009, the rankings are
>> 2009 (7730 posts, 709 posters)
>> ====
>> Alan Gauld 969 (12.5%)
>> Kent Johnson 804 (10.4%)
>> Dave Angel 254 (3.3%)
>> spir 254 (3.3%)
>> Wayne Watson 222 (2.9%)
>> bob gailer 191 (2.5%)
>> Lie Ryan 186 (2.4%)
>> David 127 (1.6%)
>> Emile van Sebille 115 (1.5%)
>> Wayne 112 (1.4%)
>> Sander Sweers 111 (1.4%)
>> Serdar Tumgoren 100 (1.3%)
>> Luke Paireepinart 99 (1.3%)
>> wesley chun 99 (1.3%)
>> W W 74 (1.0%)
>> Marc Tompkins 72 (0.9%)
>> A.T.Hofkamp 71 (0.9%)
>> Robert Berman 68 (0.9%)
>> vince spicer 63 (0.8%)
>> Emad Nawfal 62 (0.8%)
>> Alan, congratulations, you pulled ahead of me for the first time in
>> years! You posted more than in 2008, I posted less. Overall posts are
>> up from last year, which was the slowest year since I started
>> measuring (2003).
>> Thank you to everyone who asks and answers questions here!
>> The rankings are compiled by scraping the monthly author pages from
>> the tutor archives, using Beautiful Soup to extract author names. I
>> consolidate counts for different capitalizations of the same name but
>> not for different spellings. The script is below.
>> Kent
>> ''' Counts all posts to Python-tutor by author'''
>> # -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
>> from datetime import date, timedelta
>> import operator, urllib2
>> from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
>> today = date.today()
>> for year in range(2009, 2010):
>> startDate = date(year, 1, 1)
>> endDate = date(year, 12, 31)
>> thirtyOne = timedelta(days=31)
>> counts = {}
>> # Collect all the counts for a year by scraping the monthly author
>> archive pages
>> while startDate < endDate and startDate < today:
>> dateString = startDate.strftime('%Y-%B')
>> url = 'http://mail.python.org/pipermail/tutor/%s/author.html'
>> % dateString
>> data = urllib2.urlopen(url).read()
>> soup = BeautifulSoup(data)
>> li = soup.findAll('li')[2:-2]
>> for l in li:
>> name = l.i.string.strip()
>> counts[name] = counts.get(name, 0) + 1
>> startDate += thirtyOne
>> # Consolidate names that vary by case under the most popular spelling
>> nameMap = dict() # Map lower-case name to most popular name
>> # Use counts.items() so we can delete from the dict.
>> for name, count in sorted(counts.items(),
>> key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True):
>> lower = name.lower()
>> if lower in nameMap:
>> # Add counts for a name we have seen already and remove the
>> duplicate
>> counts[nameMap[lower]] += count
>> del counts[name]
>> else:
>> nameMap[lower] = name
>> totalPosts = sum(counts.itervalues())
>> posters = len(counts)
>> print
>> print '%s (%s posts, %s posters)' % (year, totalPosts, posters)
>> print '===='
>> for name, count in sorted(counts.iteritems(),
>> key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:20]:
>> pct = round(100.0*count/totalPosts, 1)
>> print '%s %s (%s%%)' % (name.encode('utf-8',
>> 'xmlcharrefreplace'), count, pct)
>> print
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