[Tutor] Removing redundant parameters in a models file having include files.
Karim Liateni
karim.liateni at free.fr
Sat Feb 27 09:17:49 CET 2010
Ok I must add an explanation The program must removes includes
files of already existing parameters in the models file.
karim.liateni at free.fr wrote:
> Hello All,
> This is my first program in python.
> I am doing electrical simulation in spectre (spice like).
> I have a models file which holds many parameters and
> include files of parameters. But in batch mode the automatic
> construction (by the simulator) of this file is not correct.
> It concatenates both parameters and include files with the same
> parameters definitions. That trigs errors during simulation and
> it complains about parameters double definition.
> The file format is shown below:
> // ------------------------------------------------------
> // Mismatch Variations Selection
> // ------------------------------------------------------
> parameters param1=0
> parameters param2=0
> parameters param3=0
> parameters param4=0
> // ------------------------------------------------------
> // Global Flags Definition
> // ------------------------------------------------------
> parameters gflag_param = 0
> // ------------------------------------------------------
> // Models Library Files References
> // ------------------------------------------------------
> include "/project/hvt.scs" section=TT
> include "/project/lvt.scs" section=TT
> include "/project/svt.scs" section=TT
> include "/project/veriloga.scs" section=typ
> include "/project/switch_all.scs" section=no
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Now my code is shown below:
> ___________________________
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> # File: correctCorners K.Liateni 2010-02-25
> import re
> # -------------------------------
> # Functions Declaration
> # -------------------------------
> def copy(infile, outfile):
> """Copy of the content of an input file to an outputfile."""
> fout = open(outfile, 'w')
> fout.writelines(getLines(infile))
> fout.close()
> def cat(lines, outfile):
> """Concat the content of a strings list to an outputfile."""
> f = open(outfile, 'w')
> f.writelines(lines)
> f.close()
> def getLines(file):
> """Get the content of a file in a lines list form."""
> f = open(file, 'r')
> lines = f.readlines()
> f.close()
> return lines
> def isParamExist(file, pattern, parameters):
> """Check if a particular regex pattern parameter is existing in a parameters file."""
> lines = getLines(file)
> paramExpressions = [ e for e in lines if pattern.search(e) ]
> matchParam = [ e for e in paramExpressions if pattern.search(e).group(1) in parameters ]
> if matchParam:
> return True
> else:
> return False
> # -------------------------------
> # Main Start here
> # -------------------------------
> parRe = '^[ \t]*(parameters[ \t]+[^ \t]+)[ \t]*='
> comRe = '^[ \t]*//'
> include = re.compile(incRe)
> param = re.compile(parRe)
> comment = re.compile(comRe)
> lines = getLines("models.scs")
> linesWithNoInclude = [ e for e in lines if not include.search(e) ]
> linesWithNoParam = [ e for e in lines if not param.search(e) and not comment.search(e) ]
> parameters = [ param.search(e).group(1) for e in linesWithNoInclude if param.search(e) ]
> includeFiles = [ include.search(e).group(1) for e in linesWithNoParam ]
> includeFilesToWrite = [ e for e in includeFiles if not isParamExist(e, param, parameters) ]
> includeFilesToWrite = [ e for e in linesWithNoParam if include.search(e).group(3) in includeFilesToWrite ]
> cat(linesWithNoInclude+includeFilesToWrite, "models_modified.scs")
> copy("models_modified.scs", "models.scs"):
> # ----------- end of file ----------- #
> The code works well but I am not fully happy with it. includeFilesToWrite is computed in 2 steps.
> I am pretty sure that it can be simplify by using a dictionnary with the full path file as the key
> and the string 'include' nominal line expression as the value to construct the final file with filtered include.
> I am using python 2.2 so I have not use latest feature I want my code to run on old Solaris too (linux user).
> I use as much as possible list comprehension following your advices.
> I don't like the part:
> if matchParam:
> return True
> else:
> return False
> Is there an easy way to do the same behavior. I am not sure but I saw one time something like using
> the int value of True (1) and False (0) to select return value in a list of 2 elements 'return [False,True](matchParam)'
> Is it correct?
> Thanks a lot
> Karim
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