[Tutor] Question on "import foobar" vs "from foobar import *"

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Jan 9 16:21:59 CET 2010

"Rob Cherry" <pythontutor at lxrb.com> wrote

> Extending on this advice somewhat - is it *ever* correct to "import 
> foobar".

Yes, it is *usually* correct to "import foobar" and rarely correct to "from 
The exception being if you only need one or two names from foobar, but
usually you need a lot more, in which case use import foobar.

To save typing you can give foobar a shorter name:

import foobar as fb

For some reason that convenience feature doesn't get mentioned
all that often but I use it a lot.


Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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