[Tutor] Python workspace - IDE and version control

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Jan 18 22:17:38 CET 2010

<galaxywatcher at gmail.com> wrote

> order to create an efficient and productive Python programming 
> workspace: IDE and Version Control.

Both important, although an IDE is perhaps a generous
description of vim! :-)

> Obviously, no tool can think for you. The real programming work of 
> course is going on in your brain. I am curious what combination of IDE 
> and Version Control System you use and also perhaps, what other tools  I 
> should be looking at as well.

I tend to use vim under cygwin (which gives me all the Unix tools) as the 

I use plain old RCS for version control because its just me working on the 

At work where we have parallel streams I use SVN (used to be Borland 
Because we use Eclipse at work I increasingly use Eclipse with PyDev as my
IDE for larger projects - its project support is very effective and I like
the debugger. Also, since I often integrate Java and Jython, Eclipse is 
ideal for
integrating a multi-source project, especially with a UML modelling plugin
added to capture the design.

Finally, I use Subclipse to integrate Eclipse with SVN.

Alan G. 

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