[Tutor] combinatorics problem: assembling array

spir denis.spir at free.fr
Thu Jan 21 14:25:43 CET 2010

On Thu, 21 Jan 2010 10:06:40 +0100
markus kossner <m.kossner at tu-bs.de> wrote:

> Dear Pythonics,
> I have a rather algorithmic problem that obviously made a knot in my brain:
> Assume we have to build up all the arrays that are possible if we have a 
> nested array
> containing an array of integers that are allowed for each single 
> position. For example
> the nested array
> (
> (1,2,3,89),
> (3,5,8),
> (19,30,7,100,210,1,44)
> )
> would define all the arrays of length  3  that can be  enumerated  using 
> the
> array of  possible numbers  for each position.
> Beforehand I will have no Idea of the length of the arrays. How do I 
> enumerate all the possible
> arrays with python?
> Thanks for getting the knot out of my brain,
> Markus  

A loop over first set of numbers, with an inner loop over second set of numbers, with an inner loop over third set of numbers. Deep inside the loops, just feed a list of combinations.



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