[Tutor] Help with exercises from learning to program python wikibooks

Hugo Arts hugo.yoshi at gmail.com
Sun Jul 4 16:42:44 CEST 2010

CC'd to tutor for completeness

On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 3:58 PM, John Palmer <speederpython at gmail.com> wrote:
> yep i'm using version 2.6.5.
> Would you recommend using the newer version? as on the python website it
> seems to imply that the different versions have different uses and if in
> doubt you should use version 2?
> Thanks a lot for the help it is much appreciated
> John

Well, some people say you're better off learning version 2 for now,
since a lot of code out there is still for that version. The
differences aren't really that earth-shocking though, especially once
you get fluent in the language.

I'd say go with 3.x and learn that. You shouldn't have a big problem
reading 2.x code, and writing it will become easier the more you
learn. And 3.x really is the future of python


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