[Tutor] newbie to gui programming

Nick Raptis airscorp at otenet.gr
Wed Jul 7 02:35:34 CEST 2010

Please excuse if I'm jumping on the topic. Haven't done any GUI work so 
this interests me too.

wxPython always seemed a great choice as it works on all platforms, and 
uses GTK+ for linux.
Well, what mainly bugs me about wxPython is that most of it's API names 
come from the wx C library, you almost can feel the C code underneath.
I would really love a more pythonic wrapper around it.

Really good news is that on this very list on another thread, someone 
suggested Dabo http://dabodev.com/
It's a python library on top of wxPython and it's database-logic-GUI 
separation looks a lot like the MVP of django, which I'm familiar with.

Of course, a bit not that easy to install if you're just starting out 
and there are no books for it. It's also database oriented, but I 
consider this a plus.

I'd like to hear your views on whether you think it might be a good 
choice for a new python programmer, exactly for the above reasons.
I think it might be worth the hurdles and pay off in the end.


On 07/06/2010 09:48 PM, Alan Gauld wrote:
> There are many toolkits but these have as many similarities as 
> differences.
> But none of them will be easy to learn if you have not done GUI work
> before because GUI programming is a whole new style and that's what
> takes the time. Once you learn one framework picking up another is
> not that hard - just a lot of new API names to learn!

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