[Tutor] Response to Alan re: list of lists response

Siren Saren siren99 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 13 14:54:27 CEST 2010


Your message appeared on the forum right as I posted my response.  Brief unrelated thanks: your website has been a great help to me as I've been learning python.  I'm especially grateful to you for making it so easy to download in various formats, since my health problems make it hard for me to read at my desk and it was lovely to be able to put everything on my ebook-reader and work on it on the couch.  If anyone hasn't checked out Alan's website, which is more like a book, I highly recommend it.

The idea of making this into an object appeals to me very much, because I've been trying to get my head around creating objects as well as just using them.  Thank you, too, for the example code on how to think about creating such an object.  

I'm positive now that my initial message was misleading, given that you also responded as though I could affect the way my data arrived.  Oddly,  I've already tried to develop a couple of 'programs' dealing with data in this form-- lists where the sequence means something but isn't merely alternation.  I assumed this must be a common problem but maybe programmers mostly deal with data that was made for their purposes nowadays.  It's interesting how self-referential the world becomes.

Thanks again for taking the time to both build your website and share your thoughts directly with me.  Means a lot

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