[Tutor] I don't understand this code

Michael M Mason michael at shamirlens.co.uk
Wed Jul 14 12:59:44 CEST 2010

> The thing is, the "passed list of strings" is called "words",
> not "wordList", so I see it shouldn't work.
> On the other hand, the variable "wordList" is defined nowhere!

"wordList" is just a name that the function (getRandomWord) uses to
refer to
whatever values get passed to it. Remember that you don't have to put
list of words into a variable before you call the function.  You could
do this:-

getRandomWord('ant baboon badger bat bear')

...and it will work. Or consider having two or three variables:-

   words     = 'ant baboon badger bat bear'
   mylist    = 'left right backward forward up down'
   morestuff = 'run walk stand sit'

Naturally you can feed any of these into the function:-


You can think of "getRandomWord(wordList)" as a convenient
shorthand for:-

   wordList = words     

Hope this helps


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