[Tutor] now = ctime()[11:20]

Luke Paireepinart rabidpoobear at gmail.com
Sat Jul 17 09:08:11 CEST 2010

If you are asking how to get a variable to call a function each time it's accessed... Well that's kind of a weird request. I know you can create properties in a class that act like variables but you can do whatever you want behind the scenes, like calling the now() function on each access. A much more clear way to do this would be to create a function that calls the now function and just call your function whenever you want the value. Is there a specific reason why you would prefer to solve this without having to type 2 extra characters () and in turn make your code more readable and logical? The problem with the approach you hint at is that then the function call is implicit. What if someone else wanted to use your variable in a tight loop? They don't probably expect or want your variable to automatically update itself.

Also are you aware of the timeit module for dete

Perhaps I misunderstood your intent.

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 17, 2010 at 1:32 AM, "Richard D. Moores" <rdmoores at gmail.com> wrote:

> Please see <http://tutoree7.pastebin.com/azLrNL0n>
> Foolishly, without thinking it through, I expected the 2 prints to
> show different times. I understood right away why they were identical,
> but then I began to wonder how to create an "alias" for
> "ctime()[11:20]" so I wouldn't have to keep typing or pasting it.
> "now" would be fine. But how to get it to execute ctime()?
> Thanks,
> Dick Moores
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