[Tutor] Calculating and returning possible combinations of elements from a given set

ZUXOXUS zuxoxus at gmail.com
Wed Jul 28 12:10:36 CEST 2010

2010/7/28 Dave Angel <davea at ieee.org>

> ZUXOXUS wrote:
>> Oh, I think i got it:
>>> for prod in itertools.product('ABC', 'ABC'):
>>>> print(prod)
>> ('A', 'A')
>> ('A', 'B')
>> ('A', 'C')
>> ('B', 'A')
>> ('B', 'B')
>> ('B', 'C')
>> ('C', 'A')
>> ('C', 'B')
>> ('C', 'C')
>> Thank you very much!!
>> 2010/7/28 ZUXOXUS <zuxoxus at gmail.com>
> You're top-posting, which loses all the context. In this forum, put your
> comments after whatever lines you're quoting.
> Your latest version gets the product of two.  But if you want an arbitrary
> number, instead of repeating the iterable ('ABC' in your case), you can use
> a repeat count.  That's presumably what you were trying to do in your
> earlier incantation.  But you forgot the 'repeat' keyword:
> for prod in itertools.product('ABC', repeat=4):
>   xxxx
> will give you all the four-tuples.
> DaveA

> Hey

Sorry for the top-posting, I forgot this rule

Thanks for the reminder, Dave Angel, and for the 'repeat' keyword!
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