[Tutor] Conflict with encoding in console view and file dump

Alex Baraibar alex.baraibar at gmail.com
Fri Jul 30 10:25:44 CEST 2010

Hello, would you please look at the comments in the code and help me with an

# -*- coding: cp1252 -*-

def festivos():
    fest = [ 'Any Nou:\t\t\t1 de enero',
             'Reis:\t\t\t\t6 de enero',
             'Festa del Treball:\t\t1 de mayo',
             'Sant Joan:\t\t\t24 de junio',
             u'La Assumpció:\t\t\t15 de agosto',
             'La Diada:\t\t\t11 de septiembre',
             u'La Mercè:\t\t\t24 de septiembre',
             'La Hispanitat:\t\t\t12 de octubre',
             'Tots Sants:\t\t\t1 de novembre',
             u'La Constitució:\t\t\t6 de desembre',
             u'La Concepció:\t\t\t8 de desembre',
             'Nadal:\t\t\t\t25 de desembre',
             'Sant Esteve:\t\t\t26 de desembre' ]
    return fest

def separador( num, char ):
    return char * num

# --- Main ---
dias = festivos()
print "Los festivos fijos anuales son:\n"
for element in dias:
    sep = separador( 50, '-' )

    # If I turn off encoding latin-1, accented characters look
    # wrong when I output them to a file from the command line, but
    # if I turn on encoding, accented characters look
    # wrong in the console view.
    print element.encode( 'latin-1' )

    print sep
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