[Tutor] Question

ALAN GAULD alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Sat Jun 19 13:24:44 CEST 2010

> belt, then go ahead and learn anything else you like. But even then, if you have 
> to learn two new ones at the same time, I'd recommend they be very unlike.  
> So you could learn Lisp or Forth at the same time as you were learning Ruby, but 
> I'd not try to learn Perl and Python at the same time.  

Actually that's a point. I favour learning two languages that are semantically 
similar buut syntactically different. Thats why I chose JavaScript and VBScript 
as my tutorial languages, because the syntax of each is so different you are 
less likely to get confused, but the underlying programming model is very 
similar in each case.

So with Bob's illustration of the Harley in mind I'll withdraw the suggestion to 
learn Python and Ruby - because the syntax is very similar - but keep the
Python/Lisp/Object Pascal ccombinations.

Having said that I stll recommend that most folks learn one at a time. Unless 
you are the kind of person that actively prefers comparative study it will 
be better to keep to one language. 

Alan G

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