[Tutor] New to this

Neil Thorman neil.thorman at gmail.com
Sun Jun 20 20:38:20 CEST 2010

I'm picking this up as a hobby really, not having done any programming since
Acorn I'm pretty much starting form scratch (and even back in the BASIC day
I never really got to grips with files).
This is from Alan Gauld's Learning to Program: Handling Files.

<http://www.freenetpages.co.uk/hp/alan.gauld/>Can I just check I'm getting

*Menu.txt contains*

*Spam & Eggs*
*Spam & Chips*
*Spam & Spam*

>>>inp = file("menu.txt", "r")
*What is inp? What does it now contain?*
*The following creates a list;*
>>>print inp.readlines()
['spam & eggs\n', 'spam & chips\n', 'spam & spam']

but if I do it again I get:
>>> print inp.readlines()

I'm baffled, why is inp now empty?

Many thanks


ps. I'm working in the IDLE Python Shell.

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