[Tutor] Creating A Simple Blog System Using Python Programming

F C amarantos at live.com.au
Sat Jun 26 06:41:30 CEST 2010

Hi there,

- I have recently decided to learn Python. 
- It is my 
first programming language.
- I am new to programming.
- I know XHTML 
and CSS, and a few lines of PHP.
- I only started learning a couple of 
days ago.

What I want to do is create a simple blog system.
 I can
- create posts, edit them and post them online 

far, people have pointed me to frameworks.
>From what I see, the 
framework does the work for you...
I want to code the blog from 
scratch...after all - I want to learn the language - I don't want 
something to do the work for me.

I truly do not know where to 
start, because most of the tutorials are segmented, and I don't know how
 to structure the 
program, let alone what commands to include.

 would appreciate it if someone could give me some structure advice on 
how to tackle this.

Many thanks to the person(s) who can help.  		 	   		  
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