[Tutor] OT: need computer advice from wise Tutors

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Tue Jun 29 09:48:26 CEST 2010

"David Hutto" <smokefloat at gmail.com> wrote

> > fundamentally different from "downloading", and those who know 
> > that the
> > only difference is that with streaming, the browser deletes the 
> > video
> But this only matters if a)you're paying for it, not the boss b) 
> that
> there are unlimited plans available for a single monthly price, or 
> c)
> you have an 'egotistical'(meaning a professional ego/rep to 
> maintain)
> perspective on minimizing your code.

Or if the network is shared with other users or other applications
since heavy downloads slow down access for every network user.
And if your neighbour is downloading a lot of video you will notice
the effect on your network speed.

Remember that network speeds have become the biggest single
factor in determining application performance nowadays - it used
to be memory and disk speed - so we as programmers need to
be very conscious of the impact of gratuitous downloads and
consider caching strategies etc. We can't do a lot about other
people streaming videos other than minimise our network requirements.
But we should at least be conscious of how network habits affect
other users.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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