[Tutor] retrieve URLs and text from web pages

Khawla Al-Wehaibi kwehaibi at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 29 17:12:20 CEST 2010

Thanks Tino. Sorry for the way the post looks. It is terrible to read.

I decided to go with Regular Expressions to modify the text. In the Python.org it is stated that they provide more options and flexibilty compared to strings and their modules.


--- On Tue, 29/6/10, Tino Dai <oberoc at gmail.com> wrote:

From: Tino Dai <oberoc at gmail.com>
Subject: Re: [Tutor] retrieve URLs and text from web pages
To: "Khawla Al-Wehaibi" <kwehaibi at yahoo.com>
Cc: tutor at python.org
Date: Tuesday, 29 June, 2010, 5:34

On Sun, Jun 27, 2010 at 12:15 PM, Khawla Al-Wehaibi <kwehaibi at yahoo.com> wrote:


I’m new to programming. I’m currently learning python to write a web crawler to extract all text from a web page, in addition to, crawling to further URLs and collecting the text there. The idea is to place all the extracted text in a .txt file with each word in a single line. So the text has to be tokenized. All punctuation marks, duplicate words and non-stop words have to be removed.

 Welcome to Python! What you are doing is best done in a multi step process so that you can understand everything that you are doing. To really
leverage Python, there are a couple of things that you need to read right off the bat.

http://docs.python.org/library/stdtypes.html   (Stuff about strings). In Python, everything is an object so everything will have methods or functions related to it. For instance, the String object has a find method that will return position of the string. Pretty handy if you ask me.

Also, I would read up on sets for python. That will reduce the size of your code significantly. 

The program should crawl the web to a certain depth and collect the URLs and text from each depth (level). I decided to choose a depth of 3. I divided the code to two parts. Part one to collect the URLs and part two to extract the text. Here is my problem:

1.    The program is extremely slow. 

The best way to go about this is to use a profiler:


2.    I'm not sure if it functions properly.

To debug your code, you may want to read up on the python debugger.

3.    Is there a better way to extract

See the strings and the lists. I think that you will be pleasantly surprised

4.    Are there any available modules to help clean the text i.e. removing duplicates, non-stop words ...

Read up on sets and the string functions/method. They are your friend 

5.    Any suggestions or feedback is appreciated.


PS: Please don't send html ladden emails, it makes it harder to work with. Thanks 

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