[Tutor] retrieve URLs and text from web pages

Joel Goldstick joel.goldstick at gmail.com
Tue Jun 29 18:32:29 CEST 2010

On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 12:26 PM, Tino Dai <oberoc at gmail.com> wrote:

>>  I decided to go with Regular Expressions to modify the text. In the
>>> Python.org it is stated that they provide more options and flexibilty
>>> compared to strings  and their modules.
>> "their modules" referring to the "string" module and the string methods
>> here, I assume.
>> Regular expressions are also a lot harder to read and get right, you'll
>> see. They are an important tool in a programmers toolbox, so it's good to
>> learn them, but it's also good to know when *not* to use them.
> Khawla,
>      Stefan is right. Regular expressions are tough especially for a
> beginner. The spiderman quote comes to mind: With great power, comes great
> responsibility. Check this article for some background on regex.
> http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2008/06/regular-expressions-now-you-have-two-problems.html
> -Tino
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google crawling web pages in python

I did a quick check and there are some tutorials.  I agree with above -- if
you are new to programming, the last thing you need to tackle first are
regular expressions!

Joel Goldstick
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