[Tutor] Any Tutor there ? Removing redundant parameters in a models file having include files.

Karim Liateni karim.liateni at free.fr
Tue Mar 2 19:50:31 CET 2010


Thanks a lot for this state of the art of the language, very instructive.
I see now top of the iceberg  ;o)


Steven D'Aprano wrote:
> On Tue, 2 Mar 2010 07:07:57 am Karim Liateni wrote:
>> Thanks for this precision!
>> I'm using standard python so this is ok!
>> Why people use proprietary python ?
>> To have more trouble ? To be different from the rest of community ?
> Python is a language, but there can be many different implementations of 
> that language, just like there are different C compilers or different 
> Javascript engines.
> CPython is the version which was made first, it is the most common 
> version, but it is not the only one. It is called CPython because it is 
> written in C.
> Jython is a version of Python written in Java, and it was created by 
> people wanting to use Python as a front-end to Java libraries, and to 
> take advantage of Java's garbage collector.
> IronPython is Microsoft's version of Python written for .Net and Mono.
> PyPy is an experimental version of Python written in Python, used by 
> people wanting to experiment with Python compilers.
> "Python for S60" is a version of Python written for Nokia's S60 devices.
> CapPython is an experimental version of Python designed for security.
> There are many others, they are all Python, but they have differences.

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