[Tutor] Opening a dos exe

Ray Parrish crp at cmc.net
Sat Mar 13 18:41:14 CET 2010

Alan Gauld wrote:
> "Ray Parrish" <crp at cmc.net> wrote
>>>> but I cannot find a way of getting this information to the dos program
>>>> from python. Any ideas?
>> You could use os.system("startprogram.bat"), and create startprogram.bat
>> to run the dos program, and feed it the files, either all at once, or 
>> one at a time via the command line if it accepts command line input.
> I don't think you can do the second option with a bat file. There is 
> no way to interactively respond to the program once it starts. Thats 
> why WSH is better for that kind of interactive input.
> Or just use subprocess.Popen...
OK, it was not clear to me that he needed to be interactive with the dos 
program. He just said he needed to feed those files to the dos program, 
and I assumed he meant on the command line within a dos box, which can 
indeed be solved by running a batch file, if the dos program accepts 
command line parameters..

A good tool for writing interactive scripts used to be WinBatch, but I 
haven't used, or seen it anywhere for years. It would have to be 
installed on the machine you wanted to get interactive with a dos 
program however.

I remember WinBatch from back in the Windows 3.1 days, and am not sure 
if they are still keeping it up to date.

Later, Ray Parrish

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