[Tutor] Command not issued until after escape from loop

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at btinternet.com
Mon Mar 15 09:53:07 CET 2010

"David Hutto" <dwightdhutto at yahoo.com> wrote

Caveat: I know zero about Blender... but...

> When I execute the script, it shows my main window, then if I
> press the CKEY it's *supposed* to call the cleanSlate() function,
> My problem is, it doesn't execute cleanSlate() until I hit the
> ESCKEY, or the QKEY.
> ******************************************************************
> # defining the event handling list
> def ev(evt, val):
>      scn = Scene.getCurrent()
>      if evt == Draw.ESCKEY or evt == Draw.QKEY:
>               Draw.Exit()
>      elif not val:
>             return
>      elif evt == Draw.CKEY:
>            cleanSlate(scn)
>      else:
>           return

Can you insert debvug statements to display values?
If so I'd try printing the value of val. If it is "False" - ie empty - the
event function will exit before reaching your code.

Alternatively try moving your elif up above the test for not val.

See if that helps.

Alan Gauld
Author of the Learn to Program web site

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